Thanks TingSong for this set of photos
水葫芦 Water hyacinth
竹子河 Sugei buloh--Bamboo river
竹子 Bamboo
海岸上生长的椰子树 Coconut tree at the back mangove
大弹涂鱼 Giant mudskipper
水位较高 High Tide
鱼尾葵上的蚱蜢 Grasshopper on the fish tail palm
松鼠 Plantain squirrel
泽巨蜥正在吃一条死鱼 A water monitor lizard is eating a dead fish
比翼双飞 A pair of little egrets
一小群杓鹬飞进保护区 A flock of whimbrels are flying into Sungei buloh