以前钳嘴鹳在新加坡是罕见鸟,然而去年12 月成千的钳嘴鹳到访本地,引起媒体和观鸟爱好者争相报道。 钳嘴鹳主要捕食淡水软体动物 (河蚌和田螺类), 带有缺口的喙是撬开这些动物硬壳的利器, 这也是俗名“钳嘴鹳” 的由来。
Asia openbill stork is a large wading bird. It is commonly found in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand. The species distinguish feature is the gap between the arched upper mandible and recurved lower mandible. This feature helps it to open freshwater mollusks.
This bird is rare in Singapore, however, there were thousands of this kind of bird appeared in Singapore in Dec 2019. Many birders and media captured hundreds of openbill stroks flying in the sky.
We are lucky to encounter one openbill stork at Jurong Lake Gardens on 27 June 2020, and observed its foraging behaviour, please see the clips below:
Video 1 Openbill stork foraging on a freshwater snail
Video 2 Openbill stork foraging on a freshwater clam
钳嘴鹳的主要生境是内陆湿地,稻田, 主要食物包括淡水软体动物, 也会捕食蛙类和昆虫。钳嘴鹳是农业益鸟, 因为它会大量捕食入侵害虫福寿螺。
Openbill stork's habitats include inland wetlands and crop fields. It feeds mainly on mollusks, frogs and insects. It is a beneficial bird because it feeds on invasive pest snail, golden apple snail.
Openbill stork's habitats include inland wetlands and crop fields. It feeds mainly on mollusks, frogs and insects. It is a beneficial bird because it feeds on invasive pest snail, golden apple snail.
If you want to see photos of birds, I share you my blog.