It is a sunny Sunday again.
Most migratory birds have returned to their breeding area and only several little egrets are still foraging in SBWR. Besides migratory birds, resident birds like collard kingfisher, black-naped oriole, purple heron, or sunbirds are also interesting feathered friends here.
The main bridge was once a good site to spot crocodiles. However a construction project aims to protect the river bank disturbed them and we didn't spot crocodiles here for around half a year. Today, we found one young crocodile returned and hope the giant one can also come back to this perfect basking heaven.
This young crocodile is staying around the main bridge recently |
Looks like a sunbird |
Two mud skippers |
A fish that prefer stay away the water |
Mud skipper build new home |
Fiddler crab |
Around six active tiny crabs |
Horse shoe crab |
Water monitor lizard |
Skink |
It seems most migratory birds left and only several Little egrets still stay here |
Cotton Stainer Bugs (Dysdercus decussatus) on Sea Hibiscus (Talipariti tiliaceum) leaf |