
双溪布洛四月免费华语导游相册 The album of free mandarin guide @ SBWR on 18th, April

游览前总体介绍 Introduction before guide walk

用心观察红树林中的动植物 Carefully observe in mangrove forest
这不是豆角,也不是果实,而是红树的胎生苗 Vivipary of Mangrove tree
海茄冬属Avicennia Alba的果实 Fruits of Avicennia Alba
对视(爬树蟹和弹涂鱼) A tree-climing crab and a mudskipper stared at each other
一条石龙子正在热身 Mangrove skink
威猛的巨蜥 Water monitor Lizard
“招摇过街” A water monitor lizard walking across the Borad walk
眼神有鳄鱼的冷酷 水葫芦的花和苹果螺的卵 Hyacinth and eggs of apple snail
褐色的蝴蝶 Common Palmfly (Elymnias hypermnestra agina).
Thank Federick Ho for the identification.
不知名的蓝色蜻蜓 Blue dragonfly
在双溪布洛河低潮时的景观 Low tide view of Sugei buloh river form main bridge
水针鱼和射水鱼 Half beak fish and archer fish
滨鸟 shorebirds
红脚鹬在觅食 A common red shank is feeding
Camouflage is a key survivor strategy for small shorebirds but not big egrets
展翅的白鹭 Flapping egret
活泼好动的太阳鸟 Sunbird
椋鸟在吃莲雾 A staring is feeding in a rose apple tree
画面中有四只鸟,你能看出来吗?there are four birds in this picture
黄臀鹎 Yellow-vented bulbul

1 条评论:

  1. That brown butterfly is Common Palmfly (Elymnias hypermnestra agina).
