
三月双溪布洛华语导游Madarin guide walk@SBWR,March(XXXIX)

New origami station @ SBWR

Origami time
A young crocodile

Ashy tailorbird

Plantain Squirrel (Callosciurus notatus)

Fiddler crab male

Shell of a crab


二月双溪布洛华语导游Madarin guide walk@SBWR,February(XXXVIII)

Tailorbird singing

Yellow bittern foraging

Yellow-vented bulbul nesting

Water monitor lizard sun tanning

一月双溪布洛华语导游Madarin guide walk@SBWR,January(XXXVII)


Milky storks and painted storks visited this mudflat for breakfast
Eagle, egret and heron standing togather “桃园三结义”
A pair of yellow-vented bulbul
Collared kingfisher

Common kingfisher

Crab and horseshoe crab

Baby horseshoe crab

Mud crab


十二月双溪布洛华语导游Madarin guide walk@SBWR,December(XXXVI)

Migratory shorebirds

Milky stork (Mycteria cinerea) 乳白鹳
Beeeater 蜂虎

Mudskipper and tree-climbing crab 弹涂鱼和爬树蟹

Common Gliding Lizard (Draco sumatranus) 飞蜥

 Mangrove Cannonball,Nyireh bunga (Xylocarpus granatum)

Vivipary 胎生苗

Free Paint Along Session
Conducted by Mr Tham Pui San

Art wall by Mr Tham Pui San and other volunteers