It is a sunny Sunday morning and around 27 participants join our monthly Mandarin guided walk @ SBWR this time.
It is low tide when we went to the main bridge to spot those migratory birds. As the water level is low, some egrets are foraging on the riverbed and a grey heron is standing on the tree. We are lucky as a eagle is circling on the sky and later we spotted a eagle eating some prey on a bald tree.
No surprising during the trip as crocodiles and otters not showing up.
我们先在竹子河(sugei buloh)的河床上观察到候鸟包括白鹭和其他滨鸟。一只海雕在空中盘旋,寻找早餐。往年湾鳄出现热点已经有半年多没有鳄鱼露脸了。
Look, crabs there |
White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus leucogaster)白腹海雕 |
Breakfast |
egrets and heron |
malayan water monitor lizard (varanus salvator) 泽巨蜥 |
打哈欠 |
giant mudskipper (periophthalmodon schlosseri) 弹涂鱼 |
Origami session |